Camelina (False flax) (annual)


CHF 3.95

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Camelina (False flax) (annual)

Camelina sativa

This oilseed producing plant used to be common in Europe. Nowadays, it is only found in countries of northern Asia. The fast-blooming, yellow flowers form oil-filled seeds in their pods. Camelina makes an excellent green manure and bee meadow. Thresh the pods and press seeds to extract the rich oil.

CHF 3.95 3.95 CHF CHF 3.95

CHF 1.00

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Plantes indigènes Résistant au gel Plantes annuelles Grandes portions Mellifère
Growing instructions

Sow in March to April directly into the field.

Growing calendar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sowing quantity 200 g/Are
80 cm
Planting distance
1 x 15 cm
Sowing depth
0 cm
Germination duration
10 days
Fertilization need
Water need
Soil Type
All soil types
Native species
Frost resistant