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Organic tomato seeds

Forget about the tasteless supermarket tomatoes and discover the true flavor with our heirloom varieties of organic tomatoes. At Zollinger Bio, we offer a catalog of more than 20 rare tomato varieties (Solanum lycopersicum) with open pollination, robust and flavorful. Whether you prefer small cherry tomatoes, like the red Cherry tomato, or large fleshy tomatoes, like the Beefsteak tomato, the San Marzano tomato, or the Matina tomato, we have the seeds for your organic garden. Our heirloom varieties, like the Black Crimea and the Berner Rose, will make you rediscover the true taste of tomatoes. Buy and order your Zollinger Bio tomato seeds easily online! Discover our guide to sowing, planting, caring for, and harvesting tomatoes:

Growing tomatoes from A-Z

Tomato, Frog king's golden ball
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, large golden fruits, fleshy flesh, acid-free, excellent in salads, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Yellow mini-pear
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, pear-shaped yellow fruits, decorative and succulent, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 3 m
Big portions
Tomato, Matina
CHF 5.45 CHF 5.45 5.45 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, fleshy and tasty red fruits, disease-resistant, outdoor cultivation, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 3 m
Big portions
Tomato, Peruvian wild tomato
CHF 5.45 CHF 5.45 5.45 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small aromatic and strong fruits, grows everywhere, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1 m
Tomato, San Marzano (Elba type)
CHF 5.95 CHF 5.95 5.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, large elongated fruits, firm and dry flesh, ideal for tomato puree, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Yellow cherry
CHF 3.95 CHF 3.95 3.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small yellow fruits, robust, very sweet, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Big portions
Tomato, Red type cherry
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small aromatic red tomatoes, vigorous, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Big portions
Tomato, Tree tomato
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, succulent plum-shaped red tomatoes, robust foliage, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Big portions
Tomato, Small Mexican
CHF 5.45 CHF 5.45 5.45 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small tomatoes for spicy sauces, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Siberian Early
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small fleshy red fruits, intense taste, very early, harvest from late June to early October, maximum height 60 cm
Big portions
Tomato, Sweet Hungarian Selection Z
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, fleshy red fruits, incredible taste, robust, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Ox heart
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, large fleshy dark red fruits, delicious, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Black Crimean
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, dark brown to dark red fruits, rich and unique flavor, good yield, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Babushka Selection Z
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, gigantic fruits up to 1 kg, versatile, harvest from late July to mid-October, maximum height 2 m
Big portions
Tomato, Green Zebra
CHF 3.95 CHF 3.95 3.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small light green striped fruits, fresh or in green ketchup, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Mexican honey
CHF 5.95 CHF 5.95 5.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small red cluster tomatoes, unique taste, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Big portions
Tomato, Orange date
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small date-shaped orange fruits, rich in taste, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Tomato, Principe Borghese
CHF 3.95 CHF 3.95 3.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small red fruits for drying, robust plant, harvest from mid-July to mid-October, maximum height 1.50 m
Big portions
Tomato, Black Cherry
CHF 5.45 CHF 5.45 5.45 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, small dark red almost black tomatoes, indeterminate growth, harvest from mid-July to mid-October
Tomato, Carmelle
CHF 4.95 CHF 4.95 4.95 CHF
Organic tomato seeds, resistant fleshy red fruits, vigorous, resistant plant, harvest from mid-August to mid-October, maximum height 1.80 m